Sunday, November 28, 2010

Walking Tacos

So this is my first blog ever. I've had this account for quite sometime and have never written anything on it until today. Rose Hodgson and I are going to be blogging buddies. She is the one that has gotten me to start doing this. Well, what can I say? We went to dinner tonight with two great friends,Wes and Rose Hodgson at Los Cabos. It was fun. Blogging was part of our conversation. Rose mentioned that people get paid to blog. Wouldn't it be fun to get paid to write about your life? I think it would be fun. I should start a teacher blog about my students. The things they say and do would make things interesting. They are four afterall.

We put up our Christmas tree and decorated our house today. This is always a great time of year because I love to decorate for it and listen to Christmas music. It was even more fun this year because it is our first Christmas in our new house. We are super excited. Jim has been planning what he wants to do outside since we moved in last January. Its nice that he can actually put his thoughts to use now. I will have pictures of our decorations at another date.

Well, I guess that is all I have to say for a Sunday. It was a great day decorating for Christmas and then having dinner with great friends.


  1. Hi! I forgot to mention that I was a walking taco on my post tonight. Thanks for making it your headline. Dinner was fun! Have a great week and I'll email you.

    PS: Love the first post! We are on our way to making millions!

  2. Let me know if you figure out how to get rich writing about your life. I want in on that deal!
